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 "Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"

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"Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"  - Page 3 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: "Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"    "Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 19 Mar 2018 - 21:26

Ca j'en suis certaine cute
Au plaisir de te lire, et encore MERCI m'dame Hôtesse d'Accueil (va falloir que je note tous les DC pour ne pas être larguée) innocent
miam miam
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"Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"  - Page 3 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: "Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"    "Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 21 Mar 2018 - 23:34

Bienvenue Phoebe. "Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"  - Page 3 2071096695

Bonne chance pour ta fiche Wink
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"Be yourself, and let the world judge you, it doesn't matter"

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