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 jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it

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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 20:59

la présentation Cool
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 20:59

les filles cute
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 20:59

les garçons yeah
vous pouvez ! hihi
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 21:36

Moi? Amis? Paul ignore qu'il est sorti avec Nina.
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 21:39

Un lien???
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 21:50

OMG!!! Je veux un lien Smile
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 21:50

Ne m'oublie pas cute
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 22:13

Un lien avec Ashley ? cute
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar 2015 - 22:24

Moi ? Smile
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 0:46

Un petit lien avec Moi ?!
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 8:19

C'est qu'il est demandé petit Cool innocent

Paul, oui ils auraient pu se rencontrer à une cérémonie d'awards par exemple ? Ils auraient pu tout de suite accroché en ignorant que Paul était marié avec Nina à ce moment-là et que Jamie et Nina étaient sortis ensemble par le passé ? Razz

Lucy & Shay, avec plaisir demoiselles cute des idées ?

Nina, impossible de t'oublier ! hug2 love5

Ashley & Kaya, avec plaisir ! I love you des idées ?

Jennifer, c'est obligé Cool j'aimerais du super positif avec Jen', c'est possible ? hug4
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 8:38


J'aimerais bien du positif, tu aimerais quoi? enfin tu recherche quoi ? perso j'ai un peu tout de libre
après peut-être que tu préfère du négatif
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 10:03

Je n'ai pas spécialement d'idée, à vrai dire, je viens en touriste. Tu as des liens que tu aimerais ?
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 18:15

Lucy, eh bien je recherche un peu de tout à vrai dire pour le moment Rolling Eyes Je pense qu'ils pourraient être de bons amis ? Smile

Kaya, alors, Kaya est anglaise si mes souvenirs sont bons & Jamie est Irlandais, peut-être qu'ils pourraient plaisanter là-dessus ? Comme deux bons amis qui se serreraient les coudes face à cette masse américaine ? Razz Il pourrait peut-être la considérer comme une sorte de petite soeur ? I love you Si tu as une autre idée, je t'écoute Smile
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 18:26

Oui bon amis, ça me dirait bien Smile ils auraient pu se rencontrer mmh à un défilé de mode?
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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Empty

MessageSujet: Re: jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it   jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it Icon_minitime

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jamie ➽ I could eat ten packs of hula hoops and not think about it

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