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 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me

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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct 2018 - 11:34

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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct 2018 - 12:35

Bienvenue parmi nous !!! I love you
Bon courage pour ta fiche. hihi
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Timothée Chalamet

Timothée Chalamet
A Astoria depuis : 09/02/2018
Autographes : 9940
Métier : Acteur

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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct 2018 - 13:02

Je te souhaite la bienvenue sous ce personnage.
Bonne chance pour ta fiche.
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct 2018 - 18:20

Re-bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct 2018 - 19:09

Re-bienvenue cute
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct 2018 - 19:32

Re-bienvenu sur le forum
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct 2018 - 20:06

Re-bienvenue I love you
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMer 10 Oct 2018 - 6:13

Re bienvenue Very Happy
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeMer 10 Oct 2018 - 19:48

Merci énormément à vous tous, et au plaisir de RP avec vous tous avec cette nouvelle boubouille bounce king
Je termine ma fiche soit demain, soit ce week-end cute
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Oct 2018 - 15:21

Bienvenue parmi nous!! Very Happy C'est rare de la voir sur les forums! Bonne chance pour ta fiche! hug
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Ben Barnes

Ben Barnes
A Astoria depuis : 25/03/2018
Autographes : 6051
Métier : Acteur, chanteur

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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeVen 12 Oct 2018 - 13:09

Bienvenue sur Astoria hug2

Une des plus jolies femmes love6
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Chris Evans

Chris Evans
A Astoria depuis : 05/11/2015
Autographes : 2064
Métier : Acteur

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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeVen 12 Oct 2018 - 18:04

Re bienvenue Smile
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeSam 13 Oct 2018 - 13:39

DANIELLLLLLLLLLLLE hug3 hug4 hug2 hug2 hug2 hug2 miam miam miam miam Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2816552498 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2816552498 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2816552498 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2816552498 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1094865554 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1094865554 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1094865554 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1094865554 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1094865554 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 283367105 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 283367105 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 283367105 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1481427719 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1481427719 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1481427719 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1325813580 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1325813580 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1325813580 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1325813580 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2608734134 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2608734134 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2608734134 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2608734134 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1547621810 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1547621810 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 1547621810 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2943807201 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2943807201 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2943807201 Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2943807201

Merci d'avoir pris le scénario que j'ai créé. Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me 2608734134

J'ai hâte I love you cute
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeSam 13 Oct 2018 - 14:55

Merci à tous, et avec joie mon Grant d'amour ♡♡
AUX ADMINS : J'ai pris un wkend hors france conclu je ne pourrai terminer ma fiche que la semaine prochaine, je m'excuse pour le dérangement ! Coeur sur vous !
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitimeDim 14 Oct 2018 - 20:27

C'est noté Smile
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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Empty

MessageSujet: Re: Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me   Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me Icon_minitime

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Danielle Panabaker ★ You are the world To me

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