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 (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin

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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 12:45

Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski

Ϟ âge : 26 ans Ϟ date et lieu de naissance : 07 juin 1991 à Londres
Ϟ statut : célibataire Ϟ métier : mannequin, actrice Ϟ groupe : ici

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Exemple De RP

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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 12:47

Bienvenue jolie demoiselle Smile
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 12:48

@Jesse L. Soffer merci tu n'es pas mal dans ton genre non plus cute love4
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 12:59

Bienvenue parmi nous. I love you
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Chris Wood

Chris Wood
A Astoria depuis : 05/04/2018
Autographes : 1153
Métier : acteur

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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 13:43

Bienvenue ici Smile
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 14:03

Bienvenuuuue cute
Courage pour la fiche yeah
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 14:09

Quelle canon cette nana cute Très bon choix !
Bienvenue parmi nous ! Si tu as la moindre question, n'hésites pas. Bonne chance pour ta fiche.
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 14:36

Bienvenue Smile
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 17:14

Bienvenue parmi nous (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin 947945424
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 18:14

merci beaucoup tout le monde vous êtes tous beaux d'ailleurs, ces choix d'avatars sont tops love7 love7
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Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal
A Astoria depuis : 13/05/2018
Autographes : 640
Métier : Multifonction, mais principalement acteur

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statut: célibataire
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 19:54

Emily Ratajkowski a écrit:
@Jesse L. Soffer merci tu n'es pas mal dans ton genre non plus cute love4

Je viendrais te demander un lien sûrement avec mon Francisco (mais Jesse aussi si tu souhaites innocent )
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 21:47

Bienvenue avec ce très bon choix love2
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Chris Evans

Chris Evans
A Astoria depuis : 05/11/2015
Autographes : 2064
Métier : Acteur

more about me
statut: en couple
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juin 2018 - 23:26

Bienvenue Smile
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeLun 4 Juin 2018 - 8:21

Bienvenue Emily (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin 947945424
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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Empty

MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitimeLun 4 Juin 2018 - 18:35

Bienvenue sur Astoria I love you
Bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche. hug4
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Contenu sponsorisé

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MessageSujet: Re: (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin   (emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin Icon_minitime

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(emily) he calls me the devil i make him wanna sin

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