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@SophieT Empty

MessageSujet: @SophieT   @SophieT Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Oct 2017 - 21:44

Sophie Turner
Runner up in 800m sprints KHSW field day (2008). Proud holder of grade 1 piano certificate of merit (2005). I once did yoga.
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Sophie Turner
• 12/10/2017
@rosemcgowan should NOT have been silenced. Isn't this what we are actively trying NOT to do? Let's not silence the victims of abuse

Sophie Turner
• 12/10/2017
Let's celebrate her, let's listen to her. Make sure she, and anyone else affected by this, are heard. Let's inspire change.

Sophie Turner
• 12/10/2017
To take away her voice is to take away many other voices she would've inspired to come out and share their stories. Let's not condemn her

Sophie Turner
• 11/10/2017
Simon Kinberg ladies and gents... my partner in crime and in movie-making. Miss you already.

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