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 JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"

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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Mar 2017 - 16:21

Quel bon choix hug5
bienvenue cute
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Mar 2017 - 20:06

Jennifer S. Lawrence a écrit:
Merci Amber, je ne la connais pas celle-là!

Je suis juste Amber Heard mais je porte le nom de mon mari
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Mar 2017 - 22:04

Ah oui, Amber Heard, ton époux est le beau Will Estes... je remercie!

Merci Alycia, j' hug3

Emma, ma jumelle de quelques mois!
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Mar 2017 - 22:07

Bienvenu avec cette beauté love7
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Mar 2017 - 1:36

Merci Holland, jtm
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Mar 2017 - 22:28


As-tu terminé ta présentation ? Il me semble que oui, mais comme tu ne l'as pas signalé, je préfère te demander. (bien qu'il semble manquer le modèle de RP).

Bonne soirée.
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Mar 2017 - 23:23

Je suis sur le point de le compléter! Ça ne fait pas une semaine déjà?
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Mar 2017 - 23:26

Non pas du tout, c'était juste pour savoir car ça semblait complet en réalité.
Prends ton temps.
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Chris Evans

Chris Evans
A Astoria depuis : 05/11/2015
Autographes : 2064
Métier : Acteur

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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Mar 2017 - 23:39

Bienvenue Smile
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Mar 2017 - 0:26

Nina, ce sera pas long!

Chris, merci mon cher Capitaine America!
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Mar 2017 - 8:15

Bienvenue Jennifer Lawrence

♠️ Je t'annonce que tu es désormais validé(e) ♠️

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Super choix de célébrité, je pense que tu auras moyen de te faire pas mal de liens sans le moindre soucis. Bienvenue à toi en tout cas et amuses-toi bien I love you
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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Empty

MessageSujet: Re: JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"   JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining" - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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JLaw - Humanity is just nasty and there's no "silver lining"

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