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 so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)

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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeMer 6 Juil 2016 - 21:15

katherine grace mcnamara

Ϟ âge : 20 ans Ϟ date et lieu de naissance : ici
Ϟ statut : ici Ϟ métier : ici Ϟ groupe : ici

Your Story

Écrivez ici l'histoire de votre personnage en un minimum de 20 lignes. Nous n'acceptons plus de copier/coller. Vous pouvez inventer une partie de sa vie, imaginer son enfance, son adolescence parler de ses succès et ses échecs. N'oubliez pas que c'est à vous de vous approprier votre personnage.

Your Identity

Décrivez ici la personnalité de votre personnage, son caractère mais également ses traits physiques. Tout ce qui fait que votre personnage est ce qu'il est et donne cette image aux médias. Montrez que votre personnage a des faiblesses et des forces. Vous devrez faire un minimum de 10 lignes.

Behind The Computer

✤ pseudo : midnight shadow.
✤ âge : 23 ans.
✤ votre présence sur le forum : un peu tout les jours.
✤ pourquoi ce personnage : parce que kitkat quoi cute
✤ votre avis sur le forum : so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) 2816552498 so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) 2816552498
✤ comment avez vous connu le forum? J'étais déjà inscrite sur le forum il y a un moment (shailene woodley).
✤ code du règlement :

Exemple De RP

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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeMer 6 Juil 2016 - 21:18

Bienvenue à toi I love you
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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeMer 6 Juil 2016 - 21:34

Oh une ancienne !

Rebienvenuuu, j'espère qu'on pourra garder le lien de meilleure amie que j'avais avec l'ancienne katherine cute hihi hug2
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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeMer 6 Juil 2016 - 22:23

Bienvenue Smile
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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeMer 6 Juil 2016 - 23:52

Bienvenue sur Astoria,
Nous te souhaitons courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche, au plaisir de te retrouver so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) 1481427719
Si tu as la moindre question, n'hésite pas.
A bientôt cute
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Chris Evans

Chris Evans
A Astoria depuis : 05/11/2015
Autographes : 2064
Métier : Acteur

more about me
statut: en couple
my life :
people i care about :

so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Juil 2016 - 0:20

Bienvenue jeune demoiselle
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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Juil 2016 - 0:45

Bon retour parmi nous Smile
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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Juil 2016 - 16:33


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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Juil 2016 - 17:00

Re bienvenue à toi
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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeVen 8 Juil 2016 - 12:01

Bienvenue sur le forum
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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitimeLun 18 Juil 2016 - 11:31

Célébrité en danger  
Bonjour jeune Padawan, so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) 1481427719

Nous t'informons que ton délais afin de faire ta fiche de présentation est terminé. so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) 2975308611 Nous te laissons cependant une journée supplémentaire afin de terminer celle ci.

Sans retour de ta part, ton compte sera supprimé. scratch

Bon courage, le staff.

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Contenu sponsorisé

so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Empty

MessageSujet: Re: so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)   so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat) Icon_minitime

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so put on your lipstick and grab your gun, this wolf is on the hunt tonight. (kitkat)

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